red light, green light

Well hello there from the virtual desk pad of blogger Bek! I’m thinking it would be appropriate to introduce myself. Let me begin…

My full name is Rebekah Kruvand. I am presently 25 years old and reside in south St. Louis city, along with my roomie Amie Fox and my border collie Ace. For two plus years now I have been living both single in the city and single-heartedly for the Lord. It’s true to say that, for me, the past two years of my life have been the most peaceful and the most enjoyable ones I’ve known on earth yet… and this is wholly and undoubtedly credited to knowing the love of my Lord Jesus Christ.

If I've learned one thing after living for a quarter of a century, it's understanding the benefit and the joy of submitting to God’s authority in my life and the importance of my obedience to Him.

I was talking of this the other day and was reminded of the game Red Light, Green Light. For those of you who are unfamiliar, the game goes like this: one person is “it” (aka the authority figure) while the rest line up at one end of the room. The authority figure commands the stoplight, speaking either red light or green light to the rest. Green means go, red means stop. If you try to move on a red light, you are sent all the way back to the starting line. The goal of the game is to be the first person to make it from one side of the room to the other. The most logical and easiest way to accomplish this is to listen for the light changes and obey them.

There have been many times in my life where God has given me a “red light” in regards to my own wills, wants and desires. And unfortunately, instead of submitting to His authority at these moments, I have spent a good amount of time desperately trying to move forward while the light was red, only to find myself broken-hearted, discouraged and left wanting back at the starting line. There have even been times I’ve felt as though I’d lost sight of any foundational line in my life completely.

Through much difficult experience, I’ve found that every time I’ve received a red light from God, it’s truly been for my own benefit, and most significantly, because He loves me so!! God is completely for me in this life and wants to show me that, but if I’m not willing to submit to His authority I remain unable to receive the GOOD things He has for me.

After 25 years and lots of hard-spent time, I’d rather go forward on God’s green lights than waste time trying to move myself on the reds. This realization was only made possible through the revelation of knowing God’s love for me in the very core of my heart.

Until next time…

Going Green!!


4 Response to "red light, green light"

  1. Martha Melody Says:

    This is awesome Bek! I really like when you said "The most logical and easiest way to accomplish this is to listen to the light changes and obey them" It really is so logical, yet we get in our own way and mess things up! I'm so glad God is so faithful and patient, and when He does give green lights, its so much better than it could ever be with us trying to go on a red. Thanks for the post!

  2. Rachel Mowrey Says:

    Great insight Bek and so true! This is exactly the line of thinking I'm going to cover at the Women's Gathering this weekend! Maybe you could take the talk for me? :)

  3. Amie Says:

    Wait... what was that God? ...tell Bekah what? OHH-Hoho, ha, GREEN LIGHT!!!

    Hm, single in the city and single-heartedly- WheLL, Rach, I'm thinkin' that maybe we should just plop her on the stage Saturday morning and have her speak for the both of us??

  4. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Bek, this was so, so encouraging for me to read! I feel like God is teaching me submission in a new way lately, and this post built up my faith to obey! Thanks for sharing, sister friend. It's so good to be reminded that he is FOR US!

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