What I've learned

Whether or not you're new, I'm new as a Green Light writer. So, hello, my name is Jenny McCutchan and I am a junior Nursing student in St. Joseph, MO. I am currently involved with Living Hope Church here helping lead youth goup and our on-campus college group. I feel like I have no life outside of my classes but I am loving what I'm learning. It'll feel worth it when I graduate with my BSN. :)

As you all know, today is Valentine's Day, known to some as Singles Awareness Day. It's days like these, when my vision seems overwhelmed by the sight of couples, that it takes a conscious effort to be content in my singleness. I'd like to share with you some of the things I've learned about relationships through the next 3 posts (because apparently I'm long-winded, I've come to realize). Today's starts with the verse that has become my motto of my single life.

"I adjure you, O Daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or does of the field, do not stir up or awaken love until it pleases." Song of Songs 2:7 (ESV)

This verse can be comforting or really annoying depending on how you look at it, so let me explain. I've come to see that if you aren't okay with who you are as a single person, you will not be okay with who you are as a girlfriend or wife. Identity is much deeper than a relationship status on Facebook. I remember not that long ago that I couldn't tell you who I really was. I could tell you what parts of me I'd gleaned from friends, family, mentors, role models, whoever, but not me. I had tried to please other people so much I had excluded who I was. I could tell you what I didn't like or couldn't do well, but not anything I excelled in or enjoyed. I personally have not been in any "serious" romantic relationships. I had one "boyfriend" in the eighth grade. ;) But I have had my share of debilitating crushes. Though I never had the title, I have tried my best to be someone I thought he'd want me to be (whichever crush it was). Luckily, by the grace of God, it never worked.

Although I have had little to no personal experience with relationships, I have had plenty being the "go-to" girl when my friends needed help. And my heart ached right along with theirs, when I saw them get broken over and over again. Because they didn't know who they were without the "girlfriend" status. They didn't know who they were being single, without someone to please. It can so quickly become like Julia Roberts in Runaway Bride who doesn't even know what kind of eggs she likes because "I'll have what he's having."

Jesus created you just the way you are and He doesn't make mistakes. Don't sell yourself short by being someone else. I know that it's so much more freeing when you can relax in your own skin.

So, be comfortable being the beautiful single woman God made you to be today!

Going green.

2 Response to "What I've learned"

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Such a great Valentines Day post, Jenny! This was a good reminder for me. Looking forward to the rest of your posts this week!

  2. Rebekah Neely Says:

    Great post Jenny! Thank you for sharing the wisdom God has given you on living whole-heartedly in relationship with Him! :O)

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