To Veil, or Not to Veil?

Hey ladies!

So excited to be writing to all of you again! This semester has just flown by for me… two and half weeks of classes left… when did that happen?! Haha. :)

We are definitely in springtime now! Springtime is one of the best seasons, but springtime is also code for “wedding season”. This is the season for invitations arriving in the mail, presents being bought, and the many showers to attend where you smile and say how happy you are for the bride, but secretly feel that unwanted sting of jealousy mixed with the happiness. “When will it be my turn?” is a question I have heard myself say countless times. It is a constant struggle with my flesh to be content and unselfish.

During this season of weddings I’ve been pondering the idea of the veil a bride wears. When I was a little girl the bottom drawer of my dresser was completely devoted to “dress-up” clothes. In this drawer was all things magical… a teal dress ten sizes too big for me, a silver piece of fabric called my “Esther dress”, costume jewelry, silk flowers, and a white lacey veil. The white veil was always one of my favorite things to play with. I would start at one end of my room, wearing the veil and carrying the silk flowers, and walk down the imaginary aisle to the imaginary prince who had recently rescued me from some peril, and was now waiting for me. This was my all time favorite story to imagine.

I’ve been thinking about what it means to wear a veil in a spiritual sense. Just like a veil is meant to cover a bride’s beauty until the proper moment, a spiritual veil also keeps something from being revealed. But through Christ we no longer have to veil the beauty; in Him it is the proper moment.

“But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
– 2 Corinthians 3:16-18.

As women we are chosen to reflect God’s beauty. Through Jesus we are free to “unveil” His spirit within us. We don’t have to cover up or hide our beauty or joy. We are called to be radiant and alive. Even God says he will not be silent on our behalf, “…I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn…” (Isaiah 62:1). We are considered as royal jewels in God’s hand (Isaiah 62:3). God has given us each a new name, and even the names we are given reflect the inner desire God put in is for love and affection. “No longer will they call you Deserted, or name your land Desolate. But you will be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the LORD will take delight in you, and your land will be married.” (Isaiah 62:4). Hephzibah literally means: my delight is in her, and Beulah literally means: married.

“No longer will you be called forgotten, or looked over. But you will be called MY delight, and your land married….”

The Lord knows our inner desire as women to be married. He has provided that special kind of love and affection we crave through Him. We are His treasures, and through His grace we no longer have to remain veiled!

Going green!

2 Response to "To Veil, or Not to Veil?"

  1. Stephenie Says:

    Thanks, sweetie. That was a good word. I love the literal translation of Isaiah 62:4. It is good for my heart to know I am already Someone's delight, whether married or single, the treasure of my soul is never hidden from Him. Love you friend!

  2. Rebekah Neely Says:

    wow... WONDERFUL post Missy!! oh so encouraging and excellent revelation... thank you for sharing, my sweet sista-friend!! :O)

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