Staying on Track

I'm a self-proclaimed nerd and I love doing finances. I actually have a degree in Math Education, but I ended up doing accounting for Jubilee Church instead. Those are pretty similar right? One of my favorite things to do at work is reconcile bank and credit card statements. Seriously, I'll get one in the mail and I'll start cheering. My coworkers can attest to this. I think the reason I love it so much is that it gives me a way to check my work every month to make sure I'm on the right track. If I've forgotten to enter a transaction or if I've made a mistake in some way, this process is going to find it. I love it how when everything matches up, at the bottom of the screen it shows a balance of zero. It's like getting to start each month with a clean slate.

I was thinking about how this is similar to being in a relationship with God. When I started following Jesus and gave my life to Him, all my sins (past, present, and future) were wiped clean and I was made new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Blank slate. However, even though God sees me as blameless and pure, I still sometimes sin. I find that when I neglect spending time with Jesus, different areas of my life start going off track. I get snippy with my roommates, I become selfish with my time, I have bad's just not good. But when I stay connected with God, spending time with Him in worship, reading my Bible, praying, being involved in my church community, I find that those mistakes I'm making and bad attitudes I have are revealed and I'm “reconciled” once again to where I'm supposed to be. Staying connected with God and making time for Him is something I really struggle with and an area I’m constantly being challenged in, so I feel that in writing this I'm challenging myself just as much, if not more, as I'm challenging you.

Jesus, help me to make you a priority in my life. Give me the desire every day to seek you and know you deeper. I want to be more and more like you so that I can be a witness of your goodness and grace to those around me. Thank you, God, for reconciling me and making me new when I didn't deserve it. I am so thankful for your unending love.

Going green,

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