Too Much, Not Enough

Too opinionated. Not smart enough. Too independent. Not pretty enough. Too emotional. Not witty enough. Too much of this and not enough of that. If I was more like her, if I was less like me. I’ve charged myself with all of these “two much and not enough” indictments. In the first place, to think like that is wrong--it’s an assessment of myself that does not start with what God says about me and does not include the input of the Holy Spirit, who is sharp enough to discern and dissect the inner-workings of my heart . But aside from that, the thing I notice when I look at this list of shortcomings is that most of them fall within the realm of charm and beauty.

“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

This verse pushes the Reset button on my perspective. How miserable do I want to make myself for not excelling in things that won’t last? Not very miserable. How much time do I want to spend developing qualities that will fade? Not very much. But a woman who fears the Lord, is to be praised...

I have wrestled with the phrase, “the fear of the Lord.” Is it like the fear of mice or snakes or bad guys? Does it make you want to run and hide? The Lord is indeed powerful, awesome, terrifying at times, and always right. That is kinda scary. However, he is also the only one who can save me from what I really deserve. He is my righteous judge and my only hope. If I was not afraid of his judgement, I would not know my need for a Savior. I am dependent on his mercy to rescue me from his wrath. This is not fright or phobia (which cause us to flee), but a reverent awe (which draws us closer for a better look). Fear of the Lord is a narrow passage we walk through that opens up into the bright, verdant valley of God’s favor. It can actually draw me closer to him.

What does Scripture promise to those who fear the Lord? Friendship with God, his pleasure, his steadfast love, his protection and deliverance, constant provision, wisdom, fountains of life within, and more are promised to those who fear the Lord. (Check out these verses.) All of that sounds better to me than a lifetime of good hair days or an endless supply of clever remarks. Charm and beauty will not last, but even if they did, they will never do me as much good as fearing the Lord.

Instead of dwelling on our “too muches” and “not enoughs,” let’s treasure God’s approval and cultivate a reverent awe of the fact that he has bestowed it upon us. Much is promised to that woman.

Going green!


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