down and out for the count

I'm ticking off my week days, my work days, my task days, like business cards in a rolodex. Since when did my life change from just that, life... the joy of living... to work? How many responsibilities can I hold, how many things can I get done, how many tasks can I complete, how many deadlines can I meet, how quickly can I maneuver through the traffic jam, how many pages can I read, how many people can I please, can I impress, can I find acceptance in, approval from... etc, etc, ETC.

I'm still ticking off my week days when I'm blindsided by the stomach flu. Suddenly, I'm down and out for the count.

My soul and my mind and my body cry out: "UGH... ENOUGH REBEKAH!! I can't live like this any more! You keep sending me in for the next round and I keep getting beat up, and when I sit for a break in the corner, all I hear are the lists of things, places, people that need to be checked off in the next round.... NO WATER?? NO REFRESHMENT?? How do you expect me to keep going in, round after round after round, and have the strength to fight the next fight? To do the things you're asking of me?"

I explode. I re-collect the pieces. I process them. I reply: "I don't know. That sounds like a lot of work to me, and an awful lot of work for the wrong reasons. I don't know why anyone would want to do it. Who the hec is your COACH? He sounds awful. You may consider switching teams."

I lie on the floor in a heap. Covered in my own sweat, my own blood, my own hot tears. I'm down for the count and I can't get up. I don't have the will to get up anymore...

My eye catches the Coach in the opposite corner, and He looks so familiar. A wise, kind, gentle, gracious, loving man. His name badge says Jesus Christ. He's motioning me to come over to His side, into His corner. It all starts coming clear.

How did I end up on the other team?!! At what point did I wonder away from the refreshment of Jesus, into the corner belonging to Coach Striving Works. I get the feeling this isn't the first time it's happened.

I begin to move towards Jesus Christ, and instead, He comes out of His corner, into the ring, to move me... for He says, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Going Green and Finding Rest,
blogger bek

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