Trust... it's a kicker!

In the great Disney film Aladdin, a street boy asks a princess this question, "Do you trust me?" then proceeds to take her by the hand and... jump off the side of a building or step onto a floating magic carpet. I was thinking about this and found it very strange. I understand his motives, having seen the movie. Jumping off the roof was the only way to escape. Aladdin trusted Carpet to carry him and the woman he loved safely. Jasmine had to have had second thoughts before saying "yes". You want me to WHAT?!?!? But what if we don't land right? What if the rug gets caught and we start unraveling? What if...

How often do I do that in my own life? Jesus holds out his hand and asks "Do you trust me?" and all I see is how far the drop is. I want to say "Maybe I trust you... can I see the script first?" I want to know that it ends well before I step out. Acts 1:7 says "It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority." But... but... what if... NO! "It is not for you to know..." Faith... believing without seeing. Trusting without knowing whether or not we will fail.

A man name George Mueller had faith in spades! He was a man who opened MANY orphanages in England. He lived day to day on faith. He would literally have no food in the house to feed the children for breakfast, would pray and God would provide someone at the door with provisions. He was such a man of faith that when his wife, his partner in life and in ministry whom he loved dearly, died he said "God holds back no good from me, so it must be for my good that she died." Wow! I don't think I could say that. I trust God so much that in tragedy, He must have my best at heart.

With the stress of classes, graduation, singleness, relationships, life in general, I'm learning that TRUST in the One who knows the beginning from the end, who knows all things, who formed me and knows me so much better than I know myself, Trust in Him is a necessity.

Going green!


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