what the rain may bring

Today is one of my favorite kind of days….. a rainy, Autumn one! There is something about fall that ignites my soul. But I digress..

There are so many neat things that happen when it rains. The colors on the trunks and leaves of the trees darken and pop against the contrast of the cloudy sky. The water drops make a soothing sound against the roof and windows of the house, acting as a natural alarm clock, causing my waking up to be more pleasant than painful (haha). The wet, cool atmosphere makes hot coffee more warming to my bones, a fuzzy jacket more comfortable. I’m huddled up in my car on the way to work, in my own little space as the fog and wind shield wipers surround me from the outside. I don’t feel like I’m missing out being under a florescent light bulb inside at work all day, since the sun isn’t shining. Granted I’d prefer to be at home snuggled under some covers with a good book, but again I digress…

There is something else that happens when it rains: lots of especially slow moving traffic. I adjust. I take a different route to work… a more scenic route. Surprisingly, there is hardly any traffic going this way this morning. Ahh yes, I can breathe.

It is a road I’ve driven many times, usually coming from the opposite direction, on my way home from work rather than to it. I’m driving down the road, drinking my coffee, enjoying the rain, and I notice a house on my left… a house that I realize I’ve never taken notice of before until this very moment! The irony is that I must have driven past this distinctive little house a million times (not too far from the truth).

How refreshing! Something new to take notice of, something new to wonder about, to investigate, to think on, to enjoy. Some of you may be thinking: “Rebekah, it’s a house… for real, is it really a big deal?” And you’re right, the house itself is not a big deal… but I ask myself “how could I just be noticing this for the first time?” …And God turns a little thing into a big deal. He speaks:

“It’s because there’s been a change in your perspective, Rebekah… a change through which, the house has been revealed to you.”

How often in life do I get tunnel vision? Things become mundane, routine, repetitive... until God breaks in and changes my perspective... and suddenly I’m refreshed, I’m in awe, I’m in wonder, I’m intrigued, I’m interested, and I’m in love with the One who breathes Life into my bones. Oh how His Spirit is like rain to my soul.

All for now and going green,

blogger bek

1 Response to "what the rain may bring"

  1. Abby Baker Says:

    Good stuff, Bek! :) I appreciate this post a lot! A great reminder that I needed to hear right now. Thanks!

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