Hurry Home

I was listening to the radio at work today and the country song "Hurry Home" by Jason Michael Carroll came on. In the song, a father leaves a message on his answering machine for his runaway daughter. The chorus sings, "It doesn't matter what you've done, I still love you. It doesn't matter where you've been, you can still come home. So, honey, if it's you, we've got alot of making up to do; and I can't hug you on the phone, so hurry home."

I can't really describe the feeling I got. Call me sentimental, but I got goosebumps and all I heard was God singing those words to me. "It doesn't matter what you've done, I still love you. It doesn't matter where you've been, you can still come home."

I am so grateful that we serve a God of second chances. When I screw up and run away, which seems like alot to me, I can always come home. I'm reminded again of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). He demanded his inheritance early, did alot of stupid stuff with it that he regretted, and in a last ditch effort, decided to try to go home. Instead of rage he expected, his father came running out to meet him before he could get to the door. He threw him a party!

What a God we serve! He loves us even when we are completely idiotic with the choices we make. We can start off so well, then totally screw it up... and He is waiting with a hug. "It doesn't matter what you've done, I still love you. It doesn't matter where you've been, you can still come home." The Father takes us covered in our mess, stinking to high heaven, with a track record of a total screw-up... He looks past all the sh** and sees our hearts.

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look toward the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

Father, thank you that you are ready to take me at my worst, to accept me when I fail, to love me when I'm wrong, to forgive me when I'm stubborn or I forget. I love you. Amen.

Going green,

1 Response to "Hurry Home"

  1. Unknown Says:

    I really enjoyed reading your posts from this week, Jenny! Although it sounds like God is revealing some painful things to you, I can tell that you see this as a mercy, an evidence of his love and faithfulness. Thank you for testifying to God's work in your life this year, for sharing the story that is unfolding in your heart.

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