the walking dead

Somebody has a bad case of the Mondays ...and Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Thursdays much longer 'til the weekend ALREADY?!?!

Have you ever been here? Have you ever had these thoughts? I sure have ...and quite recently too!

Last Monday rolled around, and I rolled out of bed, into my work clothes, down the stairs, into my car... only to come to a complete halt on the highway in the Monday morning traffic jam:

"Days like these I've got nothing to sing about. Days like these I don't know what I think about. Days like these, who would have known..."

It's true. I have days like these. In what can sometimes seem like a mundane, monotonous, over-scheduled, routine life, I allow this so subtle "living for the weekend; let me just get through the day" attitude to take-over my soul.

I begin living for the end of the work-day. I begin living for the end of the work-week. Wait, let me re-phrase: I stop living and start dying.

"You can lose your soul in the concrete river bed, rolling with the flow of the current of the walking dead. Five O'clock comes and you're a rolling stone..."

With this attitude, with this perspective on life, I send my soul into a coma... and I've found I don't need a 9-5 for this to happen. I become like the walking dead.

I am reminded of the truth: Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.

Monday morning traffic jam: I could use Christ's light right about now. So I speak truth to my soul... as a matter of fact, I YELL truth to my soul: WAKE UP SOUL. WHAT ARE YOU LIVING FOR? WHERE HAS YOUR HEART GONE? FOR GOD'S SAKE AND YOUR VERY OWN, WAKE UP REBEKAH!

Christ's light jolts me to life: like a much-needed defibrillator, truth reminds me of His love, and I am reminded of His mission.

Look carefully how you walk [soul], not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of [your] time [soul], because the days are evil -Ephesians 5:15
Going Green,
blogger bek

5 Response to "the walking dead"

  1. Abby Baker Says:

    WOW! God is good. A second ago, I was feeling overwhelmed about work and life and just wanting to get to Saturday. All day I've just been feeling trapped by my responsibilities at work, and then I read this. What a great reminder! Thanks so much for sharing. I'm no longer planning on posting a facebook update complaining about my work day. ;)

  2. Rebekah Neely Says:

    Wow Abby... i am so encouraged to hear that! It's so good to know we're not alone with our struggles, and that God knows we're human! thank you JESUS :O) xoxo sista

  3. Rachel Mowrey Says:

    Good stuff Bek. Very true!

  4. Stephenie Says:

    Thanks, Rebekah. I am reading this post at the office, and was encouraged not to wish my life away. God can meet me and be my companion anytime, even during work hours. Thanks for the wake up!

  5. Renee Scott Says:

    Great post Bek! Actually, I've had Psalm 57:8 "Awake, my soul!" rolling around in my head lately reminding me of this very thing. Obviously God is trying to tell me something. :)

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