
Hi Green Light ladies! It’s good to be back here; it’s been fact, since the last time I posted, I have graduated college, started a new job, and gotten married. Whew! Needless to say, I’ve been busy in these months..and in these months, I have experienced a roller coaster of feelings.

Samantha’s ‘Exposed’ series last week completely resonated with me, and was definitely a platform for what I had on my heart to share this week. This past year has been one of the hardest times in my spiritual life, and I made friends with a lot of lies too. I think with a lot of women, lies start as thoughts, but soon take over an emotion or feeling. And since we are the one who FEEL the emotions, the feelings belong to us and are about us, right? Actually, wrong. I read a quote from a random blog not to long ago that said this: ‘Our feelings are not about us; they are pointing us to the One who made them, feels them, and can heal them.’

I’ve long believed the advice that you can’t really count on feelings, because they are fickle and change, & that we have a choice in how we’ll respond. While I knew that, I still thought the fickle feelings ended with me. They showed something about ME, they explained ME, they are an issue in ME.

I thought over my past year and the various feelings of disappointment, fear, elation, anxiety, excitement (there were a lot, I’m telling you) that I felt, and how I internalized them. I asked myself what seemingly is a good question, “Ok, what’s this emotion telling me about myself?” thinking that would help me understand WHY I was feeling anxious, frustrated, etc. In reality, the enemy just used that to keep my eyes on me. This is something I am recently learning & understanding.

What would my life look like if I took everything I felt as an arrow to the One who knows the whole range of emotions that a human can feel? What if I took something that is so core to a woman, her feelings and emotions, and instead of claiming them as my own, acknowledging that they are a wonderful tool to point us to the Maker of them?

I am not trying to minimize or degrade emotions; I am simply suggesting the notion of changing their function in my mind from showing me about myself, to showing me God. Because you see, God is an emotional being, and understands them so well. When we take them to God, He’s able to help me understand what’s my heart much more clearly & quickly than I could trying to understand myself.

I’ll be back later this week. Until then,

Going Green!

1 Response to "Arrows"

  1. Samantha Says:

    Thanks, Martha! This is a really great reminder of how to keep our eyes on God in everything we experience. I enjoyed reading this.

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