homeland security

When I say, "I am at home here," what I mean is: I am secure. I am in such a state where I am free from danger or risk... a state in which I experience freedom from anxiety or doubt... a state in which I possess well-founded confidence.

No matter where I am in life, physically or geographically speaking, the truth of Jesus Christ = I am always able to say "I'm at home here."

I don't always feel at home though, and I definitely don't always feel secure. As a matter of fact, certain relationships regularly challenge my sense of security. Some days I feel about as secure as dust in the wind. My focus shifts ever-so-slightly off the One who has given His life for my soul. I begin looking at my circumstances and surroundings, or perhaps that challenging relationship. All of a sudden I'm feeling "not at home here" and I find myself rushing to anything that will bring me a sense of "being at home," a sense of security.

In these moments my identity runs into non-permanent, fading things... sometimes it's my career, sometimes it's my performance or success, sometimes it's my friends approval, etc, etc. These things quickly, sharply fail to anchor my identity and bring me the security I'm desperately grabbing for.

BUT JESUS faithfully and lovingly reminds me that He is my one and only source of security. He reminds me that He is the only source and foundation for my identity. He is my constant, everlasting Homeland Security, and He frees me to travel abroad regardless of how I feel.

The bible is full of the assurance of God. It's full of the Truth that causes us to run to the one and only Jesus Christ. Here are just a few tidbits to ponder on:

Ephesians 3:12, "In Him and through faith in Him we may approach God with freedom and confidence."

Romans 8:38-39, "For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Going Green and Standing Secure in Christ,
blogger bek

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