EXPOSED (In the Future)

I've struggled with knowing exactly how to end this series of thoughts on my experiences with God exposing sin & lies in my heart. I want to look to the future; to what my life might look like as I continue to walk hand-in-hand with God into new freedoms and deeper revelation of the identity He's given me. But the truth is, only God really knows what the future holds. However, I've learned some things along the way that I think give me a pretty good idea of what I can expect to some degree. Here are some things that I know:

- God doesn't change. He's the same yesterday, today and forever (James 13:8 ESV). If He's been faithful, trustworthy, determined, powerful and kind to me in the past, then I can be sure that He will continue to be those things in the future.

- There are a lot of things about God that are a mystery to me. However, I've never known Him to be elusive, unknowable, or vague. Anytime that I sit and listen to Him, He's faithful to show me more of who He is, what He's doing and what part He wants me to play in it.

- God likes to make promises. He is very capable of doing everything He says He will and has every intention of following through on His word. He's given me some pretty outstanding promises both in His written word (i.e. Jeremiah 29:11-14, Deuteronomy 31:8, Hebrews 7:25, and on and on) and in the words He speaks to me personally.

- God is who is says He is: "The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness..." (Exodus 34:6 ESV). That mercy, grace, patience, faithfulness and unwavering love make up the foundation on which I stand throughout every situation.

- My sin, my compliant and active rebellion against God - past, present, and future - has been pardoned. My debt wasn't just cancelled; it was fully paid by the blood of Jesus. That blood was valuable. It wasn't all that valuable to me at the time because I was dead. But it was valuable to God and He agreed to accept that precious sacrifice as payment for my life. This is a reality I can't dwell on enough, and one I can't act on enough. Why would I ever take God's exposure of my sin and pain as malicious acts of vengeance? The vengeance has already been taken out on Jesus. He exposes sin in my life out of love: a deep and jealous love for the life He bought at a very high price.

So, in short, I know that God never makes a hole in my heart by uprooting a lie or a sin without then filling it with His presence. He never exposes what's in me without also exposing what's in Him. And that's really the most important thing I need to know about my future.

Going Green,

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